“System Developers from BISU Candijay Campus Demonstrated the Voters Poll Precinct Search System to BISU and PPCRV Volunteers”
A seminar training on the Voters Poll Precinct Search System was conducted by the BISU Balilihan Extension and Training Unit. Its goal is to demonstrate volunteers on utilizing the precinct search system, assisting voters on election day.
The system was presented by BISU Candijay Campus system developers Epifelward Niño O. Amora, Kennery V. Romero, and Rennan C. Amoguis. The precinct search system allows registered voters to verify their precinct number, the location where they will vote on election day, and their registration status.
Volunteers from Bohol Island State University and the Parish Pastoral Council for Responsible Voting in Balilihan are among the participants in the training.