Student Services
Library Services

A library and learning resource center is an inclusive, flexible, learner-centered, physical or virtual space for collaboration, inquiry, imagination, and play. The Bohol Island State University Library provides access to traditional forms of knowledge like books, periodicals, and printed information. Clientele can determine how best to use the space and resources to study or to work on school assignments, projects, or coursework individually or with others. This develops life-long learning skills and support and encourages them to become responsible users of information.
A key facilitator of information access for student-centered learning, research and information literacy.
The BISU Library is committed to provide excellent resources and services to support the vision of the University.
Provide the best possible access to relevant and updated information in all formats in order to support the teaching, learning, research and extension and personal growth of its clientele.
- Select and build relevant and updated library collections to support the curricular programs, research and extension activities.
- Implement effective human resource development programs.
- Provide access to recent collections of recorded information and knowledge regardless of format or location.
- Upgrade facilities and other instructional communication technology so as to provide clientele with the right information at the right time.
- Encourage students to develop lifelong habits of good learning, reading, study and research.
Library Services

The library offers quality services to its clienteles in support with the vision, mission, goals and objectives of the institution. It provides an efficient access to reference and relevant information for lifelong learning.
Circulation Service
It is the borrowing and returning of library materials.
Library Orientation and Instruction Service
It refers to the act of teaching users the different sources of information, how to use them, the services offered, and the personnel in the library.
Current Awareness Service
This service informs the users about new acquisitions in the library. Regular bulletin board display and webpage/social media apps announcements on new arrivals and other updates are conducted to draw users’ attention and interest in reading.
Reference and Information Service
It means providing assistance to the users by giving them answers to definite questions and providing information materials necessary for their research work.
Resource-Sharing/Inter-library Loan/Referral Service
The University is a member of a resource-sharing with four colleges and universities in Bohol. This service is rendered to faculty members and students who wish to avail the resources of other academic libraries with a referral letter issued by the librarian
Technical Service
It refers to the library tasks carried on that are concerned with the processing of library materials in order make them accessible to the users. These shall comprise the functions of selection and acquisitions, cataloguing and classification, preservation, conservation and other related activities.
Book Display Service
It is a corner in the library where recent acquisitions are displayed to inform the patrons of the new arrivals.
Stack Service
It means providing assistance to the users by giving them answers to definite questions and providing information materials necessary for their research work.
Online Computers Assisted Reference
Answers client’s online inquiry through internet using different social media site.
Other Services

Curbside Pick up/Book Ahead and Pick up
This service allows faculty members and students to borrow book/s by online appointment and pick them up at the library following the circulation guidelines of the library.
Virtual Reference Service
Services conducted online that allows the librarian/library staff and patrons to communicate through social media platforms and request for any library concerns or access to any library resources.
Digital Document Delivery Service
It is a service that provides digital copies of journal articles or book chapters and other documents upon request. To request send your message to the library Facebook page or email address.
Online Library Orientation
Refers to helping library patrons be aware with the resources, facilities and services available, and with the people who attend to their information needs.
General Policies
- Only bonafide faculty members and students of BISU-Balilihan Campus are allowed to avail the library services.
- The user is primarily responsible for the prompt return of all library materials checked-out within the specified due date.
- Any item borrowed from the library which is not returned after the due date is subject for recalling.
- It is the responsibility of the borrower to notify the library staff immediately if library material is lost, stolen, or damaged .
- If the book is damaged or defaced while it is charged out to a borrower, he/she will pay for the cost of repair. If the book is lost, replacement or payment shall be required, cash payment is made directly to the Cashier’s office.
- Students are allowed to borrow 3 books at a time of different subject areas good for one week.