Bachelor of Science in Information Technology

BS Information Technology (BSIT)

Bachelor of Science in Information Technology

Undergraduate Studies

About the Program

The BSIT program prepares students to work on information security, network architecture, database administration, systems administration, and computer support.

The BS Information Technology (BSIT) program includes the study of the utilization of both hardware and software technologies involving planning, installing, customizing, operating, managing and administering, and maintaining information technology infrastructure that provides computing solutions to address the needs of an organization.


  1. To provide a technical and basic business education with an appropriate combination of theoretical knowledge and practical skills, which will enable them to enter into and advance in the profession of Information Technology.
  2. To engage effectively in oral, written, and graphical communications and are comfortable in both interpersonal and public settings.
  3. To produce knowledge and skills that enables them to participate in life-long learning and to adapt to an ever-changing, global technological and business environment.
  4. To develop a well-rounded education that enables them to conduct themselves as responsible professionals and global citizens who are aware of ethical issues and societal needs and problems.

Career Opportunities

An  IT career involves installing, organizing, and maintaining computer systems as well as designing and operating networks and databases;

  • Web and Applications Developer
  • Junior Database Administrator
  • Systems Administrator
  • Network Engineer
  • Junior Information Security Administrator
  • Systems Integration Trainee
  • IT Audit Assistant
  • Technical Support Specialist

Allied Fields

Bachelor of Science in Information Technology (BSIT) draws from many of the basic disciplines in the field of Computer Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Electronics and Communications Engineering, Entertainment and Multimedia Computing, Mechatronics / Robotics, Information Management.

Program Outcomes

POs Common to All Programs in All Types of Schools
1.Articulate and discuss the latest developments in the specific field of practice. (Philippine Qualifications Framework (PQF) level 6 descriptor) (Graduate Outcomes: CS10, IS10, IT13)
2.Effectively communicate orally and in writing using both English and Filipino. (Graduate Outcomes: CS08, IS08, IT10)
3.Work effectively and independently in multi-disciplinary and multi-cultural teams (PQF level 6 descriptor) (Graduate Outcomes: CS07, IS07, IT08)
4.Act in recognition of professional, social, and ethical responsibility. (Graduate Outcomes: CS09, IS09, IT12)
5.Preserve and promote "Filipino historical and cultural heritage" (based on RA 7722)
POs Common to Universities as defined in CMO 46 s. 2012
6.Participate in the generation of new knowledge or in research and development projects.
7.Apply the competencies to support national, regional and local development plans (RA 7722).
POs Common to the discipline
8.Analyze complex problems, and identify and define the computing requirements needed to design an appropriate solution (Graduate Outcomes:CS02, IS02-03, IT03)
9.Apply computing and other knowledge domains to address real-world problems (Graduate Outcomes: CS01, IS01, IT01)
10.Design and develop computing solutions using a system-level perspective (Graduate Outcomes: CS03-05, IS04-05, IT05)
11.Utilize modern computing tools (Graduate Outcomes: CS06, IS06, IT07)
POs Specific to Bachelor of Science in Information Technology
12.Apply knowledge of computing, science and mathematics appropriate to the discipline and understand best practices and standards and their applications to be able to analyze complex problems, identify and define the computing requirements appropriate to its solution.
13.Identify and analyze user needs and take them into account in the selection, creation, evaluation and administration of computer-based systems. Design, implement and evaluate computer-based systems, processes, components and programs to meet desired needs and requirements under various constraints.
14.Apply knowledge through the use of current techniques, skills, tools and practices necessary for the IT profession.
15.Function effectively as a member or leader of a development team recognizing the different roles within a team and society to accomplish a common goal and assist in the creation of an effective IT project plan especially in large and complex computing activities through logical writing, presentations and clear instruction.
16.Analyze the local and global impact of computing information technology on individuals, organizations, and society.
17.Understand professional, ethical, legal, security and social issues and responsibilities in the utilization of information technology. Recognize the need for and engage in planning self-learning and improving performance as a foundation for continuing professional development.

Program Curriculum

CodeTitleLec UnitsLab UnitsTotal UnitsPre-requisite(s)
GE 1Understanding the Self33
Ge 2Purposive Communication33
GE 3Mathematics in the Modern World33
IT 111Introduction to Computing33
IT 112Fundamentals of Programming (C Language)233
Free Elec 1Fundamentals of Electricity and Electronics233
PE 1Physical Fitness22
CodeTitle Lec UnitsLab UnitsTotal UnitsPre-requisite(s)
GE 4The Contemporary World33
GE 5Reading un the Philippine History33
IT 121Intermediate Programming 2 (C Language)233IT 112
IT 122Computer Programming 1 (Java)233IT 112
IT 123Discrete Mathematics33GE 3
GEE2Human Reproduction33
PE 2Rhythmic Activities22PE 1

CodeTitle Lec UnitsLab UnitsTotal UnitsPre-requisite(s)
GE 6Art Appreciation33
IT 211Fundamentals of Database System233IT 121
IT 212Computer Programming 2 (Java)233IT 122
IT 213Introduction to Human Computer Interaction33IT 122
IT 214Networking 1233
Elec 1Multimedia System233
Lit 1Literature of the World33
PE 3Individual and Dual Sports and Games22PE 2
CodeTitle Lec UnitsLab UnitsTotal UnitsPre-requisite(s)
GE 7Science, Technology and Society33
GE 8Ethics33
IT 221Database Systems (Info Mgt) (MySQL)233IT 211
IT 222Data Structures and Algorithms (Java Language)233IT 212
IT 223Information Assurance and Security 133IT 211, IT 212, IT 214
IT 224Networking 2233IT 214
IT 225System Analysis and Design33IT 211, IT 212
IT 226Graphics, Design and Animation233Elec 1
PE 4Group Sports and Games22PE 3

CodeTitle Lec UnitsLab UnitsTotal UnitsPre-requisite(s)Co-requisite(s)
Prof Elec 1Logic Design and Digital Computer Circuits233Free Elec 1, IT 111
Elec 2Web Development / Web Enterprise233IT 211, IT 226
Elec 3Mobile Application using Google Android Platform233IT 222, IT 223, IT 225
IT 311Software Engineering33IT 225
IT 312Information Assurance and Security 2233IT 223
IT 313Quantitative Research333rd Year StandingResearch
ResearchMethods of Research333rd Year StandingIT 313
CodeTitle Lec UnitsLab UnitsTotal UnitsPre-requisite(s)Co-requisite(s)
Free Elec 2MicroControllers and Embedded Systems233Prof Elec 1
Prof Elec 2Web Systems and Technologies233Elec 2
Elec 4Platform Technologies233Elec 2, IT 312Prof Elec 2, IT 322
GEE 1Environmental Science33
IT 321Capstone Project and Research 1233Research
IT 322Applications Development and Emerging Technologies2333rd Year StandingElec 4, Prof Elec 2
IT 323Social and Professional Issues33GE 8

CodeTitle Lec UnitsLab UnitsTotal UnitsPre-requisite(s)
GE 9Life Works and Writing of Rizal33
Prof Elec 3Enterprise Resource Planning2334th Year Standing
Elec 5Game Development233IT 322
IT 411Capstone Project and Research 2233IT 321
IT 412Systems Integration and Architecture 12334th Year Standing
IT 413System Administration and Maintenance2334th Year Standing
CodeTitle Lec UnitsLab UnitsTotal UnitsPre-requisite(s)
OJTPracticum72012All Academic Requirements